Court orders
"What do you do if I sang out of tune. 
Would you stand up and walk out on me?" 
Good morning to you!! Whilst you are reading this, I am in Liverpool where I am meeting with a couple of clients and then taking the opportunity to shoot some footage. 
Footage for what, I hear you cry!! Footage for the edutainment videos and reels that we put on YouTube and Instagram - search for Daniel Picave and / or McKenzie Picave - AND footage for the entertainment reels that we put on the same platforms. 
We mix education with entertainment so our viewers see that whilst we have a job to do, we are human beings with a sense of humour too. 
My ideal viewer is a 34 year old Mum with two or more children. Why do I say that? Well because... 
- her phone is a constant companion in her life and she visits all the social media platforms where she sees our messaging. 
- she enjoys wearing our reasonably priced but stylish, casual clothing available through - it is ideal for the supermarket, the playground or working from home. 
- she questions herself regularly and sometimes feels pressured by the 'ideal life' images she is bombarded by on social media, so to combat that, she attends a counselling session once a month just to get grounded and revitalised - 
- her first marriage ended badly but we worked with her on her journey through family court to ensure the children's needs were catered for - 
- she is in a fairly new relationship and she has insisted to her new partner that monthly sessions with Daniel Picave ensure the relationship is evolving healthily and the children are comfortable with the changes. 
I love Liverpool. I have spent so many years in and around Liverpool and Manchester that I regard the north west as home. When I drive past Knutsford Services on the M6 heading north, there is such a euphoria which hits me. 
Anyway, I hope each and every one of you has a productive day and in the immortal words of The Beatles... 
"you say yes, I say no, you say stop and I say go, go, go!!" 
Where is home to you? Where is God's country? 
Tagged as: Just For Fun
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