Dichotomy of Parents - Eight Facets of Parental Alienation
Posted on 12th September 2023
Eight Facets of Parental Alienation - 3: Dichotomy of Parents
The dichotomy of parents refers to the stark contrast often drawn between the alienating parent and the targeted parent. This contrast extends beyond mere differences in behaviour or parenting styles, and encompasses broader perceptions of the parents' character, motives, and suitability. The dichotomy serves as a central dynamic in cases of parental alienation, fueling conflict, polarisation, and the erosion of healthy parent-child relationships. The alienating parent typically engages in a campaign of denigration against the targeted parent, portraying them as incompetent, neglectful, or even abusive. Conversely, the alienating parent often presents themselves as the ideal parent, capable of meeting all of the child's emotional and physical needs. This stark contrast between vilification and idealisation reinforces the polarisation of parental roles and undermines the child's perception of the targeted parent. The dichotomy of parents often manifests as a narrative of good versus evil, where the alienating parent assumes the role of the virtuous protector while the targeted parent is depicted as the villainous antagonist.
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