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Cold-water Therapy Group Tackling Mental Health 
A Weymouth man has started a cold-water therapy group to help improve men’s mental health. Scott Henley, a local gym owner, has started the group in conjunction with the gym, the aim being to encourage local men to open up about their mental health, whilst also enjoying the physical and mental benefits of cold water swimming. 
The group meet at the Pier Bandstand at 8am on Saturdays for a quick 10-minute dip in the sea, followed by coffee and a chat. 
The aim of the group, known as The Inverters, is to raise awareness about men’s mental health, feel the benefits of cold-water therapy and give men a place where ‘they feel like they belong.’ 
Scott said: “You feel good afterwards, refreshed and more relaxed and a couple of people have really opened up. Not necessarily to me, but maybe someone else. It seems to be needed and the numbers are definitely growing, we had 16 members last week. Personally, it’s been quite nice to see the difference it’s made already, even if it’s a small one.” 
November is regarded as Men's Mental Health Month, with the famous Movember campaign falling within the month, aiming to raise awareness for not only men's mental health, but also prostate and testicular cancer. 
Whilst November might be the official month, we all need support all year round. Mental health is discussed more now than ever before, and people are becoming more open about their mental health as we all learn better ways to support one another. 
To those taking up the cold water swimming challenge as winter approaches, we wish you the best of luck! 
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