Court orders
Eight Facets of Parental Alienation - 7: Borrowed Scenarios 
"Borrowed scenarios" in the context of parental alienation refer to instances where a child utilises phrases, narratives, or information that are beyond their age-appropriate knowledge or experience, suggesting that they may have been coached or influenced by the alienating parent. In some cases, children may demonstrate an understanding of complex legal terminology or details of court proceedings that are beyond their cognitive abilities or life experiences. This suggests that they may have been exposed to discussions or coaching by the alienating parent, who seeks to influence the child's perceptions and behaviours in legal matters. The child may parrot sentiments or grievances expressed by the alienating parent, reflecting a form of emotional manipulation aimed at alienating the child from the other parent. Genuine expressions of a child's thoughts, feelings, and experiences are typically characterised by spontaneity, authenticity, and age-appropriate language. Borrowed scenarios, on the other hand, lack these qualities and often appear rehearsed or scripted, raising concerns about the child's autonomy and independence of thought. 
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