Automatic Love - Eight Facets of Parental Alienation
Posted on 12th November 2023
Eight Facets of Parental Alienation - 5: Automatic Love
The phenomenon of automatic love and support for the alienator highlights the intricate emotional dynamics and complexities inherent in familial relationships affected by this issue. The alienating parent may manipulate the child's emotions and perceptions to foster a sense of automatic love and support. Children caught in the throes of parental alienation may feel compelled to demonstrate automatic love and support for the alienator out of fear of abandonment, rejection, or retaliation. The alienator may leverage the child's emotional vulnerabilities to coerce compliance and discourage any displays of affection or loyalty towards the alienated parent. Children subjected to parental alienation may also internalise negative beliefs and perceptions about the alienated parent, viewing them as unworthy of love, trust, or acceptance. These ingrained beliefs can perpetuate automatic love and support for the alienator while fueling resistance or reluctance to acknowledge the alienated parent's role in their lives. In some cases, children may experience psychological alignment or identity fusion with the alienating parent, blurring the boundaries between their own identity and that of the alienator. This fusion reinforces automatic love and support for the alienator while eroding the child's sense of individuality and autonomy in forming relationships with both parents.
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