It Doesn’t Have To Be You Versus Me
Posted on 19th January 2022
Relationships are born out of a single moment of connection which outshines any other connections we may have made. Children are born out of a relationship where love is or was the primary factor.
Relationships end. Relationships run their course. Relationships simply run out of steam as we grow and change as human beings.
When unpicking that relationship, unlacing the ties which kept us together, it doesn’t have to be you versus me.
As mature adults, we can accept that we have reached the end. As mature adults, we can accept that if we share children, the single most important consideration in the unpicking is their needs.
Uncoupled couples can and do go on to be friends, respecting the time they had together and accepting that circumstances have changed.
It is better now and for every day which arises in the future for children to go through divorce or a break up without conflict. It is better for the two people splitting up to do so without conflict.
The path of light with acceptance, understanding and cooperation on both sides is so much better than a path of hate.
Tagged as: Divorce, Relationships
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