Intimidating & Overwhelming
Posted on 6th November 2021
That is the general view of a courtroom, it is intimidating and overwhelming. Well, sorry to be the bearer of bad news but it is intended to be. The courtroom is designed in such a way as to immediately establish who is in charge, who has authority and who doesn’t.
Why do you think the seating (or bench) for judges or magistrates is higher than any other seating in the courtroom? It is because they are in charge, it is their courtroom and you are there entirely at their discretion.
There are protocols in the courtroom. There is an etiquette in the courtroom, “isn’t there, your Worship?” If you are not familiar with them, you will quickly try the patience of the bench, whoever that may be.
The courtroom is the home ground of solicitors and barristers. They have rules all of their own. They have language all of their own.
Whilst everyone who finds themselves in court has the right to represent themselves as a Litigant in Person, it is always worth considering taking a friend with you, a McKenzie Friend.
We recommend it.
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