Before My Heart Beats
Posted on 1st August 2020
Daniel Picave Coaching & Counselling extends a huge debt of gratitude to Peter whom we worked with after he had lost his wife of 40 years. Peter kindly allowed us to use his story to craft this piece about the loss of a loved one.
If you are going to take her from me, then take her before my heart beats. Before my heart is so consumed by her that it beats to the rhythm of her pulse. Before it is so besotted with her that it beats because of her. If you are going to take her from me, then take her before my heart beats.
I know you have given me companions along the way and each one has placed a hand around my heart. This one, this girl, this woman is different. She has placed her whole self around my heart and pulsates with it. I can feel it. I can feel her. I can see a carpet of tears unfolding in front of me and each fibre is laced with her.
So for pity's sake, if you are going to take her from me, then take her before my heart beats. If I am to be without her. If this is some cruel joke to tease me with the shape of my happiness and contentment only to then deny me it. If this is not embracing my heart but actually throttling it in order to cause it to beat no more.
I love her. I am in love with her. I need her. I rejoice in the day because of her. If you are going to take her from me, then take her and hear my heart stop.
Tagged as: Counselling, Just For Fun
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